
Case Study

Case Study

Case Study: Temptin’ – Reaching a wider audience without Paid Advertisement

Customer Introduction:

Temptin is a food brand that sells various products such as ketchup, chili garlic paste, and more. Since 2017, we have had the privilege of working with Temptin and witnessing their incredible growth and success in the market.


Temptin approached us intending to promote their products, increase their reach, enhance customer interactions, and raise awareness among a wider audience. They wanted to achieve these objectives without relying on paid boosting or advertisements.


To address Temptin’s goals, me and my team developed and implemented several effective campaigns that resonated with their target audience. One notable campaign was the “Ketchart Content” initiative. In this campaign, we encouraged people to showcase their creativity by using Temptin ketchup to draw artistic and innovative designs. Participants shared their creations on social media platforms, generating a significant amount of organic reach and interactions. The campaign sparked excitement and engagement, creating a buzz around the brand.

Another successful campaign our team devised was the introduction of Chota Bheem, a popular animated character, as the brand ambassador for Temptin. This collaboration garnered immense attention, reaching millions of people across various media channels. The association with a beloved character helped Temptin establish a deeper connection with its target market and further increase brand awareness.


Throughout the process, the personal willingness of both the Temptin team and our team played a crucial role. We shared a common goal of achieving success without relying on paid boosting. The passion and dedication to finding innovative solutions motivated us to think outside the box and create campaigns that captured the attention of the audience.
Teamwork was also a key factor in the success of these campaigns. Close collaboration between the Temptin team and our marketing experts ensured seamless execution and effective communication of the brand’s message. Additionally, the support and contributions from participants who actively engaged in the Ketchart Content campaign further amplified the success of Temptin’s reach.


Through our strategic campaigns, Temptin experienced a significant increase in their social media presence. Their pages became widely recognized and garnered a considerable number of likes, interactions, reach, and views. The Ketchart Content campaign, in particular, generated a high level of engagement and organic reach without the need for paid boosting.
The introduction of Chota Bheem as the brand ambassador propelled Temptin’s visibility to millions of people, creating a strong association with the beloved character. These successful campaigns helped Temptin achieve its goals of product promotion, increased reach, improved customer interactions, and heightened brand awareness among a wider audience.

In conclusion,

Temptin’s collaboration with our marketing team resulted in a remarkable increase in reach and engagement, all without relying on paid boosting. The innovative campaigns, fueled by personal willingness, teamwork, and creative strategies, enabled Temptin to establish a prominent presence in the market and connect with its target audience on a deeper level.

Case Study: Bagad Properties’ IBC Dwarka – Achieving Brand Awareness and Lead Generation for one of the most luxurious commercial projects of Nashik


Customer Introduction:

IBC Dwarka, developed by Bagad Properties, stands as one of Nashik’s most iconic and luxurious projects. It boasts the distinction of being the tallest commercial complex in the city, setting new standards of architectural excellence and modernity.


The primary goals for IBC Dwarka were to create brand awareness and generate leads for the project. Bagad Properties aimed to position IBC Dwarka as the epitome of luxury and sophistication in Nashik’s real estate market.


To achieve these goals, a comprehensive marketing strategy was devised. Social media campaigns played a vital role in reaching a wide audience. Engaging content, visuals, and videos were created to showcase the project’s unique features and benefits. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn were utilized to target potential buyers and generate interest.

Outdoor media played a crucial role in capturing the attention of the local population. Hoardings, billboards, and signage strategically placed in key locations across Nashik ensured maximum visibility and brand recall. Radio campaigns were designed to reach a broader audience, delivering impactful messages about IBC Dwarka’s exclusivity and desirability.

The involvement of influencers helped amplify the project’s reach and credibility. Influencers with a significant following in the real estate and lifestyle domains were engaged to endorse and promote IBC Dwarka, leveraging their influence to generate interest among their followers.

Print media emerged as an effective way to reach a diverse audience. Full-page advertisements in leading newspapers and magazines showcased the grandeur and unique selling propositions of IBC Dwarka, leaving a lasting impression on readers.


Bagad Properties drew inspiration from leading developers and builders in India who have successfully positioned their projects as symbols of luxury and opulence. By studying their strategies, Bagad Properties was motivated to create a similar impact with IBC Dwarka.
The team’s determination and commitment to delivering excellence in every aspect of the project also served as a driving force. They aimed to inspire trust and confidence in potential buyers by emphasizing the quality, craftsmanship, and attention to detail displayed throughout IBC Dwarka.


The marketing efforts for IBC Dwarka yielded impressive results. On a budget of 9 lacs, the campaign generated over 550+ leads, showcasing the significant interest and demand for the project. The sales team capitalized on these leads, resulting in the successful sale of 7+ projects within the complex, crossing a whopping 11.5 cr sale through Social Media.

IBC Dwarka became the talk of the town, with its name recognized in every corner of Nashik. The project’s reputation as a symbol of luxury and sophistication was firmly established, and it became a highly sought-after destination for potential buyers in the city.

In conclusion,

Bagad Properties’ marketing strategy for IBC Dwarka effectively achieved the goals of brand awareness and lead generation. Through a well-rounded approach encompassing social media campaigns, outdoor media, influencers, and print advertisements, IBC Dwarka captured the attention of the target audience and positioned itself as a landmark project in Nashik. The impressive results, including a significant number of leads and successful sales, attest to the success of the campaign and the appeal of IBC Dwarka among potential buyers.

Case Study: Title: Sonpari Bhagar’s World Record Event: Spreading Health and Millet Awareness


Customer Introduction:

Sonpari Bhagar is a company that specializes in producing and promoting Little Millets, a healthy food option. Sonpari Bhagar has been actively engaged in marketing campaigns to create awareness about the nutritional benefits of millet. Their products have gained popularity among health-conscious individuals seeking alternative grain options.


Our primary objective for Sonpari Bhagar’s world record event was to raise awareness about millets and Sonpari Bhagar, aligning with the International Year of Millets campaign. Additionally, the event aimed to give back to the community by distributing cooked bhagar to hospitals, orphanages, old age homes, and thousands of people in need.


Socio Maven Media created a comprehensive marketing strategy for the world record event. Leveraging various advertising platforms, including radio ads, print media, banners, newspaper ads, and social media posts, the hype around the event reached over 30 lakh people, spreading awareness about the health benefits of millets.

The event itself attracted significant attention, with the participation of renowned International Celebrity Chef Vishnuji Manohar. Chef Vishnuji Manohar’s involvement not only added prestige to the event but also showcased versatility and culinary potential.


The idea for the world record event stemmed from the personal willingness of both Sonpari Bhagar and Socio Maven Media to make a positive impact. The shared belief in the nutritional value of millet, along with the passion for promoting healthier food options, acted as a driving force behind the event. As a team, we were able to accomplish this due to our teamwork.


The combined efforts yielded remarkable outcomes. The event witnessed the successful cooking of over 4000+ kg of bhagar in a single vessel, setting a world record. Furthermore, the cooked bhagar was distributed to hospitals, orphanages, old age homes, and thousands of individuals in need, making a positive impact on their lives.

The event itself attracted a massive audience, with approximately 40,000 people attending. Through extensive marketing campaigns and the presence of Celebrity Chef Vishnuji Manohar, the event garnered widespread media coverage and created a buzz around Sonpari Bhagar, further solidifying its reputation in the market. Vishnuji Manohar and Sonpari Bhagar were also Honored with Prestigious Awards like the “India Book of Record” and “Asia Book of Record”.


Sonpari Bhagar’s world record event, supported by Socio Maven Media, successfully achieved its goals of promoting millets and Sonpari Bhagar while making a meaningful contribution to the community. The collaborative efforts, strategic marketing campaigns, and the participation of renowned chef Vishnuji Manohar created a powerful impact and firmly positioned Sonpari Bhagar as a trusted and innovative brand in the market. The event’s success serves as a testament to the effectiveness of a well-executed marketing strategy and the potential for collaboration to drive positive change.


Case Study: Rambandhu – Creating Awareness and Engaging the Audience

Customer Introduction:

Rambandhu, a brand under Empire Spices & Foods Ltd., sought the expertise of our digital marketing team in 2018. Impressed by our successful collaboration with Temptin, another brand under their umbrella, Rambandhu entrusted us with the task of increasing awareness, reach, likes, and interactions for their brand. The objective was to establish Rambandhu as a well-known and loved brand among the masses.


The primary goals for Rambandhu were to expand its online presence, increase social media likes, reach a wider audience, and foster meaningful interactions. The aim was to make Rambandhu a household name and enhance brand recognition across various demographics.


To achieve these goals, we implemented various strategic campaigns for Rambandhu. One notable campaign was the MyGanesh Campaign, which encouraged users to share their Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations using the dedicated hashtag. The campaign generated an overwhelming response, with the hashtag gaining significant reach and usage. Out of the numerous entries received, 281+ entries were selected and showcased, fostering engagement and creating a sense of community.

Another successful campaign was the MDN Campaign, where we introduced the renowned celebrity Madhuri Dixit Nene as the brand ambassador in August 2021. This campaign generated widespread awareness and garnered significant group sharing and engagement. With a minimal boosting cost, the MDN Campaign proved to be highly effective in reaching a wider audience and establishing a strong connection between the brand and its target consumers.

In the spirit of Diwali, we created the Paakshala Campaign, featuring videos with renowned international chef Vishnuji Manohar. These videos showcased Diwali-inspired recipes and culinary delights, resonating with the audience and eliciting a massive response and appreciation.


The strategic campaigns executed for Rambandhu yielded remarkable results. Through organic reach and engagement, we achieved substantial increases in likes, reach, and interactions on social media platforms. The MyGanesh Campaign, in particular, generated significant participation and community involvement, contributing to the growth and recognition of Rambandhu as a beloved brand.

The introduction of Madhuri Dixit Nene as the brand ambassador through the MDN Campaign proved to be a game-changer, garnering immense attention and positive sentiment towards Rambandhu. The campaign’s success in reaching the target audience with minimal boosting costs demonstrated the power of strategic planning and effective storytelling.

The Paakshala Campaign, featuring international chef Vishnuji Manohar, further solidified Rambandhu’s position as a trusted brand. The engaging videos and mouth-watering recipes created an emotional connection with the audience, resulting in significant audience engagement and a loyal following.


The success of these campaigns was the outcome of dedicated teamwork, unwavering dedication, and relentless hard work. Our team’s commitment to understanding Rambandhu’s vision, target audience, and market dynamics played a pivotal role in devising and executing effective campaigns. Collaboration with key stakeholders and the determination to deliver outstanding results fueled our inspiration to create impactful digital marketing strategies.

In conclusion,

the collaborative efforts between Rambandhu and our digital marketing team have proven highly successful in achieving the brand’s goals of creating awareness, increasing reach, and fostering engagement. Through strategic campaigns, the brand witnessed significant growth in likes, reach, and interactions, establishing a strong brand presence in the market. The dedication and hard work of the team, combined with the trust and vision of Rambandhu, played a pivotal role in driving the brand’s success and establishing it as a beloved and recognizable name among consumers.


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